AASFA Board Minutes, October 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 10/17/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
John Davis
Amy Zrnich
Dave Klecha (via Skype)
Meeting called to order at: 6:43 by Brian.
Prior Meeting Minutes: Brian called to approve minutes, angie seconded. all for except anna abstained. Passed.
President’s Report: Documents from the filing cabinet is still in the process of being scanned.
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.  Michigan legal checks were sent out in time.
Old Business:
aasfa.org is now a functioning website.
Passwords are now documented and Brian has access to them.
Budget had been approved so Ryan has money as conchair.
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account.
ConChair Report:
Angie Fox is now heading up our dealer’s room again
Liasions are being set up for GoHs except for S2 Games – still deciding on who they are sending, specifically.
Consuite is Lithie
Jess is moving on getting volunteers set up.
Things are moving right along
Meetings from here out are all-hands and weekly checks with dept heads will be done
2015 ConChair
Did any nominations come into aasfa.nominations@gmail.com?
We got no nominations.
Dave will be moving to this side of the state, he’s got a job over here.
Angie called to vote Dave Klecha 2015 conchair.  Seconded by Anna
All in favor, Dave abstained
New Business:
Anna: The con needs a printer.
When Anna was running ops she brought her own, and people have been willing to bring their personal printers.
Toner might be an issue in the storage cube
Amy asks – does it need to be color or is black and white good enough?
Brian: we had a color laser of Brian’s we used to use but the toner was very expensive.
We have had printers where ink did dry out over time.
Brian doesn’t think we NEED a scanner or color, but it’d be nice.
If a laserjet is going to dry out over the year, buying new color & b&W toner every year will be expensive.
Anna and Dave: We have promised to print for the art this year, so we need color
Brian has a Phaser printer but getting new ink for it every year is going to be somewhere around $400 and has to be specialty ordered
Amy has something at work that has the solid ink but not sure how it would hold up in the summer heat.
Anna: Could we pull the toner out and store it in someone’s home instead of the storage unit? Then it wouldn’t be subject to the heat extremes
Amy: aasfa keeps it’s files at Brian’s, we could store the toner/ink in the file cabinet with our files
Amy also suggests we look into renting a good printer for the weekend and see what that costs
John has a black and white printer he would be willing to donate.
Amy will look into pricing.
Does the AV company Nuri is working with rent printers?
Does the hotel have a printer we can use? – Brian will look into this
Discussion about whether or not Ops absolutely NEEDS a printer.
Dave: suggests to table that discussion once we have pricing information for various options.
Printers/projectors have consumables and can’t be scared up at a moment’s notice – if a reg laptop dies, someone’s likely to have a laptop
projectors are neccesary – especially with science programming.
Next meeting to be scheduled
Meeting called to close at 736  by brian seconded by angie, passed unanimously.

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