AASFA Board Minutes, December 2015

December 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker (remote)


Brian call to order @ 11:40am


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 6-0, 1 abstaining.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, post office box has been paid.


ConChair’s report, will be covered in the ConCom meeting. Moving forward and ready to go.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. Tabled until the next meeting.


PO Box paid, check still needs to happen. John will check the mail this week, possible setup for a backup/mail deputy.


New Business:


Discussion of Board promulgated disability and harassment policy. Use the existing ConFusion policies as an AASFA-directed policy that covers all AASFA events and can be maintained year to year beyond the membership of the current Board and/or ConCom. Dave will copy relevant policies to the AASFA website for review in the February AASFA meeting.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 11:55am. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2015

November 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis (remote)

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker (remote)


Brian call to order @ 11:25am


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 5-0, 1 abstaining.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, Treasurer absent.


ConChair’s report, will be covered in the ConCom meeting. Moving forward and ready to go. In talks with Worldbuilders for charity. New ConCom folk in the last month.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. Tabled until the next meeting.


ConChair selection. No action in the nominations e-mail account. Dave nominates Anna Carey for ConChair. Josh seconds. 5 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining. Motion carries. Anna Carey is 2017 ConChair.


New Business:


PO Box check. When last done? 3-4 months ago. Anna will check by the end of the month. Payment due of $49 by the end of the month.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 11:42am. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, October 2015

October 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Josh Parker

Amy Zrnich


Brian call to order @ 3:44pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Dave, vote to approve 7-0.


President’s report, nothing new.


Treasurer report, nothing new. Need to pay the lawyer.


ConChair’s report, covered in the ConCom meeting. Minutes of that meeting were shared with all Board. Nothing additional to report.


Old Business:


Incorporation report. We are in good standing with the State of MI. Need to find an accountant to file back taxes. Incredibly difficult to get this done without adequate paper trail.


ConChair selection. No action in the nominations e-mail account. Postpone discussion until November meeting. Anna volunteers, but is willing to wait to see what response a reminder posting receives.


New Business:


No new business.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 3:57pm. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, September 2015

September 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha


Brian call to order @ 4:40pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by Anna, vote to approve 5-0.


President’s report, nothing new. Letter and bill from the lawyer. Good standing with the State of Michigan. Not with the Feds. Still need to file taxes.


Treasurer not present, no report.


ConChair’s report, covered in the ConCom meeting. Minutes of that meeting were shared with all Board. Haven’t burned the con down yet. Big concerns are the Thursday event and treasurer questions.


Old Business:


Incorporation moving forward. Covered in President’s report.


New Business:


ConChair selection. Dave will put out a call for candidates for ConChair. Attempt to consider and vote in the October meeting.


Brian moves to close the meeting at 4:54pm. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 5-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, August 2015

August 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

David Klecha

Amy Zrnich (video chat)


Brian call to order 4:22pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Brian, seconded by John, vote to approve 6-0.


President’s report, nothing new. Everything will be covered in old business.


Treasurer’s report, we still have money. Lawyer has been paid.


ConChair’s report, covered in the ConCom meeting. Minutes of that meeting were shared with all Board. Haven’t burned the con down yet.


Old Business:


Incorporation moving forward. Briand set to contact an accountant to work on filing the taxes. Two options: attempt to apply for not-for-profit status retroactively, which is likely to fail per attorney advice, OR simply pay back taxes and apply for current not-for-profit status. Lawyer’s advice is to the second option, given the chances of success and the cost involved with trying to get retroactive non-exempt status.


New Business:




Brian moves to close the meeting at 4:54pm. Anna seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, July 2015

July 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

Josh Parker

David Klecha


Brian call to order 2:25pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Josh, seconded by Anna. 5 for, 1 abstaining


President’s report, nothing new


Treasurer’s report, Treasurer absent


ConChair’s report, covered in following ConCom meeting


Old Business:


Incorporation paperwork submitted by lawyer to State.  Need to file taxes which have not been written. Need to request retroactive tax-exempt status.


PO Box issue is closed, new PO Box is setup.


No June meeting was held due to scheduling conflicts


Results of the voting:


GoH: Ann Leckie

Science: Helen Greiner

Fan: Tammy Coxen

Media: Felicia Day


Josh moves to close the meeting, John seconds, 4 for, 2 against.  Meeting closed at 2:37pm.


Picnic had about 44 adults and 18 kids


AASFA Board Minutes, May 2015

AASFA Board Meeting 5/19/2015



Brian Decker

Anna Carey

Amy Zrnich

John Davis

Dave Klecha

Cylithria Dubois

Josh Parker


Meeting Called to order at 7:10PM by Brian


Approve the minutes from April – Moved by John, Seconded by Josh, 6 for, 1 against


President’s Report:      All is well, all else covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:      All is well, must pay the attorney.


Old Business:

Incorporation:            Attorney is waiting for lists of board members for last 5 years. Brian is digging through notes to compile that list. Nearly complete and ready to send.

Need to file last 7 years of taxes, still looking for all relevant data. Need to then send a letter to the government to request reinstatement as a non-profit.

Still need to locate an accountant to help file the taxes.


Con Chair Report:    Big meeting at the hotel last weekend. People like the hotel. Need to work out how to use the space. Registration rates are going to go up, $60 at the door, $42 pre-reg. Ideas for Thursday night events. Dealer’s room rates at $85, $60 per additional tables, buy additional badges pre-reg @ $35.

Larger artists’ alley area, $35 per table, no badge included, 1 table.

Priority was given to items to get onto the website.

PO Box:         John will attempt to get down to Ann Arbor this week or early next week to get the PO Box settled.



New Business:    Picnic planning. John has volunteered to coordinate it. Shoot for June 27th at the same park we used last time.  Only Brian has a possible conflict.

Cylithria moves to put John in charge of the summer picnic, including organizing, purchasing food, and paying fees with a budget of $500. Seconded by Josh. 6 for, 1 against.


Nominations for GoHs for 2017. Dave volunteers to coordinate nominations.

Amy moves for Dave to coordinate the nomination process for GoH voting at the picnic, based on last year’s method of soliciting nominations. 6 for, 1 abstaining.


Motion to close the meeting at 8:12PM by Dave seconded by Amy, 6 voted for, one adamantly against.


AASFA Board Minutes, April 2015

AASFA board 4/25/15

Brian Decker

Anna Carey

Amy Zrnich

John Davis

Dave Klecha

Cylithria Dubois

Josh Parker


Meeting Called to order at 4:15PM by Brian


Election of new officers:


President – Brian Decker nominated by David Klecha, seconded by Cylithria Dubois, voted 6 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining

Vice President – Josh Parker nominated by Anna Carey, seconded by Cylithria Dubois, voted 6 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining

Treasurer – Amy Zrnich nominated by Josh Parker, seconded by Cylithria Dubois, voted 6 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining

Secretary – David Klecha nominated by Anna Carey, second by Josh Parker, voted 6 for, 0 against, 1 abstaining


President’s Report:      New board, all is well, all else covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:      Nothing new.

Old Business:

Incorporation:            Attorney is waiting for lists of board members for last 5 years. Brian is digging through notes to compile that list.

Need to file last 7 years of taxes, still looking for all relevant data. Need to then send a letter to the government to request reinstatement as a non-profit.

Still need to locate an accountant to help file the taxes.


Con Chair Report:    Hotel contract is signed, Novi Sheraton, January 21-24, 2016. Three GoHs are confirmed, working on more. Working on a Thursday night concert. $109 per night, minimum two night stay at the new hotel.


PO Box: Dave needs to provide an ID with his current address and he doesn’t have one. Working on it for next meeting.



New Business:        Pagan group raffle item request. Determined that this was a Con decision, not a Board decision.




Motion to close the meeting at 4:37PM by Brian seconded by Amy, 6 voted for, one against.

AASFA Board Minutes, March 2015

AASFA board 3/21/2015

Brian Decker, President

Anna Carey, Vice President

Amy Zrnich, Treasurer

Angie Rush, Secretary

John Davis

Dave Klecha

Chloe Zrnich (Not present)

Meeting Called to order at 7:23 by Brian

President’s Report:      Will be addressed in old and new business.

Treasurer’s Report:      Nothing new.

Old Business:

Incorporation:              Contacted attorney & gave him the paperwork he requested.

Need to find an accountant, attorney can recommend one possibly.

Brian will talk to the attorney about moving forward to fixing our


Con Chair Report:    Gave Convocation half page flyers for their freebie table

We will have a party at Penguicon

Will work with treasurer re: budget

We’ll also have a full-page ad in Penguicon’s book

Novi Sheraton was visited re: moving, negotiating options, no decision has been made

Working on asking GoHs

John Davis will be co-chair

Working with Subpress again

The Budget has been sent to the Board for review.


New Business:            March meeting/party/hand off party – Anna                                     Motion to approve $500 for Anna to plan this party by Brian,

seconded by Dave, unanimous

Elections – who is safe, Dave, Brian and John are safe.

need name suggestions for the vote.

Dave will do the call for nominations

PO Box: May have to change our address

We have to fill out paperwork to get a PO Box again




Motion to close the meeting at 8:48 by Brian seconded by Angie Unanimous

AASFA Board Minutes, February 2015

AASFA board 2/26/2014

Brian Decker, President

Anna Carey, Vice President

Amy Zrnich, Treasurer

Angie Rush, Secretary

John Davis

Dave Klecha

Chloe Zrnich (Not present)

Meeting Called to order at 7:23 by Brian

President’s Report:      Will be addressed in old and new business.

Treasurer’s Report:      Nothing new.

Old Business:

Incorporation:              Contacted attorney & gave him the paperwork he requested.

Need to find an accountant, attorney can recommend one possibly.

Brian will talk to the attorney about moving forward to fixing our


Con Chair Report:    Gave Convocation half page flyers for their freebie table

We will have a party at Penguicon

Will work with treasurer re: budget

We’ll also have a full-page ad in Penguicon’s book

Novi Sheraton was visited re: moving, negotiating options, no decision has been made

Working on asking GoHs

John Davis will be co-chair

Working with Subpress again

The Budget has been sent to the Board for review.


New Business:            March meeting/party/hand off party – Anna                                     Motion to approve $500 for Anna to plan this party by Brian,

seconded by Dave, unanimous

Elections – who is safe, Dave, Brian and John are safe.

need name suggestions for the vote.

Dave will do the call for nominations

PO Box: May have to change our address

We have to fill out paperwork to get a PO Box again




Motion to close the meeting at 8:48 by Brian seconded by Angie Unanimous