AASFA Board Minutes, July 2015

July 2015 Minutes




Brian Decker

Cylithria Dubois

John Davis

Anna Carey

Josh Parker

David Klecha


Brian call to order 2:25pm


Approve meeting minutes, moved by Josh, seconded by Anna. 5 for, 1 abstaining


President’s report, nothing new


Treasurer’s report, Treasurer absent


ConChair’s report, covered in following ConCom meeting


Old Business:


Incorporation paperwork submitted by lawyer to State.  Need to file taxes which have not been written. Need to request retroactive tax-exempt status.


PO Box issue is closed, new PO Box is setup.


No June meeting was held due to scheduling conflicts


Results of the voting:


GoH: Ann Leckie

Science: Helen Greiner

Fan: Tammy Coxen

Media: Felicia Day


Josh moves to close the meeting, John seconds, 4 for, 2 against.  Meeting closed at 2:37pm.


Picnic had about 44 adults and 18 kids


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