AASFA Board Minutes, August 2017

August 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith

Dialed in: 
Allison Anderson
Lithie Dubois 

Meeting Called to order at 7:17pm by Brian

Last meeting minutes approval tabled till minutes are shared. 

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.

ConChair Report:

All GoH Slots are filled. Announced.

No August meeting, but there will be a september meeting. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. 

Storage Cube: 

We moved! New cube is in Madison Hts. it is twice the size of the old cube. Current keys are held by: 
At storage office – all board members can pick up the key, will need ID. 

New Business:

ConChair needs her budget approved. 

Eric motions to approve the 2018 proposed budget. 

Lithie Seconds. 

5-0-1 Motion approved.

Possible Conchairs for 2019:

Allison Anderson

Eric Guy – wants 2020

Jeff Marraccini –

Amy Sexsmith – 

Allison will talk to Jeff about his possibility of running the con.

Next Meeting- at the concom meeting.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:00pm by Brian, seconded by Amy, 6-0 for.

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