AASFA Board Minutes, July 2019

July 2019 Minutes


Brian Decker 
Anna Carey 
Dave Klecha (Abstaining)
Amy Sexsmith 
Allison Anderson 
Cylithria Dubois 
Bob Brodis 

Brian calls the meeting to order at 11.04AM

Brian calls a vote to approve the minutes from the last meeting: Motion passes

President’s report: more in depth report see old/new biz

Treasurer’s report: there is money in the TCF account

ConChair 2020 report: hotel contract is signed

Website should be up by the end of day

Old Business: 

Incorporation: Tabled

AASFA Planning Calendar: David still working on this

Update the AASFA website:ConFusion Reg will be up by EOD. website updated with current board members. Stilyagi bylaws will not be included along with AASFA bylaws. ConFusion website has been redirected here. 

Disruptive Individuals: Ongoing issues with disruptive individuals “E” and “F” discussed. Brian thinks these individuals should be disinvited from positions of responsibility at Confusion such as panelist/staff member/ volunteer. Lithie raises the possibility that “F” in particular may be so threatening as to possibly require coming to the board in the future to request a ban.

New Business:

AASFA Summer Picnic:

Picnic  has been scheduled for August 31 at noon at Southeast Area Park in A2

Dan and Lithie are doing food for picnic

Picnic has a Facebook event and AASFA website post

Nominations for Confusion 2021 Guests of Honor will be accepted at that time

Lithie moves to switch AASFA website email hosts to GSuite because there are problems with the old one. This would cost ~$2880/ year for 40 users. Tabled until next meeting

Confusion Budget: Brian would like to see attendance numbers and totals re comped rooms before further budget decisions/ approval.

Other business:

Treasurer topic was discussed

Brian moves to close the meeting at 12:27pm. 

Motion passes

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