AASFA Board Minutes, February 2013

AASFA board 11_28_12

In attendance

President Brian Decker

Conchair Lucy Kennedy SKYPE

Treasurer Amy Zrnich

Secretary Chloe Zrnich

Dave Klecha Skype

Meeting called to order at 19:26

Called to order by B Decker.

Motion to approve prior months minutes made by C Zrnich

2nd by A Zrnich

For 4

Against 0


Motion passed

President’s report: Con was a success, so I guess we might have another.

Treasurer’s Report: We still have moneyLucy paid PO box, and the storage is paid until June.


Books for the Blind

Angie has placed an order for 250ish Middle School to High School .

Incorporation Discussion

Tabled… Pending meeting with the Lawyer

Voting meeting

Tabled to next meeting. We have asked that members think about

Date 3/23/13 Location TBD 6-11

Who is “safe”…CZ, DK, AR

Jon Davis

Jes Zerwas

Lucy Kennedy suggested to withhold the purchase of a game to contribute to the PCON game Library. Due to the situation this year the board will consider purchasing Ucon a game for their library as a thank you gift for helping with a potential problem at con.

Motion for AASFA to Purchase a Hand Truck with non pneumatic tires for con use year to year, Cost for new cart not to exceed $50. By ACary

2nd LKen

for 6

against 1

abstain 0

Conchair report

You cannot abstain form My Report you asshole”

Confirmed “pro GOH”

Confirmed Fan GOH

Other Possible Science gohs and Comic artist

Meetings for the hotel locations

Website is in development, Draco to head up and hand off from Steve

Possible changes in email and domain name for the con.

Facebook group will be renamed at this time.

Motion to adjourn

B Decker

2nd C Zrnich

For 6

Against 0

Abstain 1.
Motion to adjourn at 8:38

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