AASFA Board Minutes, August 2013

AASFA Board Meeting 8/24/2013
In attendance:
Brian Decker: President
Anna Carey: Vice President
Secretary: Angie Rush
Chloe Zrnich
Dave Klecha
Conchair: Ryan Carey
Meeting called to order at: 3:42
Prior Meeting Minutes: dave called to approve meetings, seconded by anna unanimously approved
President’s Report – We have a filing cabinet of prior ConFusion paperwork. It is at Brian’s house re: his email earlier
Brian (or someone) needs to go through it and sort it into what we need to keep or not keep
    Brian went to the po box. We had mail.
    Amy has to pay $20 by October – the state will reserve AASFA for us.
    Still not a company by fed status
Treasurer’s Report – Chloe says Amy says we have money. Amy isn’t here.
Old Business:
Website Dave has control of everything – will work on a splash page
aasfa.stilyagi.org is going to redirect ultimately to the aasfa site
Minutes need to go up on the website
Board members on site?
Dave is working on documenting things in excel re: passwords
Old documents Brian has – we need to scan that stuff and put it in storage
Incorporation Discussion Brian has picked up paperwork to start figuring stuff out (see above)
Square vs Paypal – Amy – Tabled
AASFA Picnic:   Closed – all set.  Voting was done, we have the list for the eventual future conchair
New Business:
ConChair Report: Ryan Carey
Really constructive concom meeting.
Need to follow up with dealers head re: communication
Liasions are being dealt with
Working on getting someone to do room parties
Budget needs approved (see new business)
Budget: Do approval via email since Amy isn’t here.
We are going to comp fewer badges
Last year’s budget was 31k
This year is looking 33.6k
Higher costs of goh transportation
Need to align the format of the proposed budget with the format of the actuals so they can be more easily compared
Anna will send out email on budget
ConChair:At some point we need to vote on that – tabled to next meeting
Come equipped to talk about it. (Suggestions)
Next meeting
Meeting called to close at 751  by amy seconded by Anna
yea – everyone except Brian who abstained because he doesn’t want us to leave because he likes when the adults outnumber the toddlers.

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