AASFA Board Minutes, December 2013

AASFA board 12/15/13
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Chloe Zrnich
 Ryan Carry 2014 Confusion Conchair
Member not in attendance
David Klecha
Meeting Called to order at 11:53 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve October minutes Amy, seconded by Amy
Approve: 6
President’s Report: Nothing new
Treasurer’s Report: We do have money.
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Tabled by Brian Decker
Square vs Paypal – Tabled by Amy
AASFA – We’re going to transfer $5k into the AASFA account today.
The con needs a printer Amy will look into still
ConChair Report:
We still are having a con YAY!
New Business:
Dragon’s Den: 6pm Friday night.  (Anna)
Amy says $500. Anna motions to approve
Amy seconds
5 for
1 apposed (Chloe)
Motion passes
Next board meeting will be at the con at Dragon’s den
Storage shed – Amy says we have to make a decision.  It expires at the end of January.
We will discuss in email so we can be prepared at Con – if we’re going to move we can pack
everything up and bring it to the con and take it to the new place
Brian wants to reach out to the balloon guy about him coming to con again.
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by Chloe Meeting closes at 11:58
passed – 5

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