AASFA Board Minutes, June 2014

AASFA board 6/28/14
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Chloe Zrnich
Meeting Called to order at 6:31 by Brian Decker
Motion to approve June minutes by Brian, seconded by Dave
President’s Report: Nothing new – see new/old business
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing
Old Business:
Incorporation Discussion – Half of the paperwork for the attorney is done, working on the other half
Square vs Paypal – Tabled
Con needs a printer – Waiting for Detcon to wrap up and see what they have.
ConChair Report: Budget is ready.
Budget will be submitted for review and vote at next meeting
We had a party at Detcon and a fan table.  Talked to a lot of people.  John Piccaco might come
on his own as a panelist (not goh), took a couple registrations. Talked to a lot of people,
passed out a lot of flyers.
Next concom meeting is August 10th.
Anna put the master calendar into Google Calendar so everyone has the deadlines and meeting dates
Detcon lending:We need to get our Detcon lending stuff back once they get settled, Dave will reinventory it.
Coffee Makers:Tabled still
Cool stuff grants
for room parties: Dave will draft the statement we’re going to publicize to the group and we’ll review it.
Book Donations: Angie (Pendrican) Tabled
Stilyagi.org Amy and Dave are working on it, nothing to report yet.
2016 ConChair Angie will put out a call for nominations on Stilyagi and email Ryan and ask him to put it on social media.
Plan is to vote at the July meeting.
New Business:       NOne
Motion to close the meeting at 6:42 called by brian, seconded by chloe, all for.
Motion to close meeting called by Brian, seconded by BRian – unanimous Meeting closes at 3:03

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