AASFA Board Minutes, February 2016

February 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
David Klecha
Josh Parker (remote)
Cylithria Dubois (remote)
Amy Zrnich (remote)
John Davis, absent

Brian call to order @ 6:14pm

Approve meeting minutes, moved by Anna, seconded by Brian, vote to approve 6-0.

President’s report, nothing new. Covered in new or old business.

Treasurer report, wrapping up convention accounting. Otherwise finances are good.

ConChair’s report, we had a con, all is good. Hand off meeting on 3/12/16.

Old Business:

Incorporation report. Updates are pending, need more information from attorney. Will be addressed at next regular meeting.

PO Box, Ryan Carey retrieved the mail, mostly junk. No important items.

Discussion of Board promulgated accessibility and harassment policy. Accessibility and harassment policies have been copied to the AASFA website as are from the ConFusion policies. Both policies will be edited to cover all AASFA events, not just ConFusion. At the time that is complete, the Board will review and vote to accept them.

New Business: 

Website is auto-renewed for 2 years and no emergency with the site. Table any discussions regarding migration to a new host until the new Board takes over in April, 2016. Future discussions also regarding the role of Steve King and the Stilyagi side of the site. Dave will create a 2017 ConFusion site Soon(™). 

Alex Drummer’s Cool Stuff Grant request. Discussed the dollar amount to fund, as Penguicon’s Board seems to have funded $250 toward the project. Tabled for the time being pending confirmation that matching funds are being put up by Penguicon.

Voting Meeting scheduling. Usually pick three people to appoint to the next Board for continuity purposes. Brian will discuss the possibility of hosting in hotel function space for the handoff meeting/voting party. Anna volunteered to run for food/booze. Brian will propose appropriate verbiage over e-mail to approve location. Call for nominations and send save the date e-mail to be sent out ASAP. Lithie, Josh, and Dave are appointed to the next year’s Board. Moved by Anna, seconded by Brian, approved 6-0.

[Name Redacted]’s ban from ConFusion/AASFA events. Any action to be taken? At the bottom of the harassment policy on the AASFA website add verbiage that anyone can request a current list of individuals who are banned from the cons. List would contain only legal name, reason for ban (“Violation of Harassment Policy”) and duration of ban. List will only be sent out by the President when it is requested.

Brian moves to close the meeting @ 7:27pm, seconded by Dave. Approved 6-0.

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