AASFA Board Minutes, July 2016

July 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
John Davis
Josh Parker – Remote

Meeting Called to order at 7:54PM by Brian

Eric moves to approve last meeting minutes, Lithie seconds, 6 voting to approve, 1 abstaining.

President’s Report:  All will be covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Paid for the storage cube for a year, and updated so that the rental is in the Board’s name, and all correspondence is going to Brian’s address. Paid for Michigan state business registration. John, Lithie, and Eric owed reimbursements.

ConChair Report:   Nothing new that was not covered at the ConCom meeting on 7/23/16. All GoHs locked in. Trying to fill some open staff positions.

Old Business:

Incorporation:   Brian’s accountant will be meeting with him shortly to discuss incorporation paperwork. Tabled for now. AASFA is current with the State of Michigan. 

Remove Amy from the bank accounts and the AASFA mailing list. Brian & Anna to handle. Tabled.

Budget from the conchair needed for approval. Anna shared it out earlier in July. Josh moves to approve the budget. Dave seconds. Budget is notionally in the red, but it comes from trying to align registrations and actual dollars and assuming the lower numbers are correct. Assumed income is the difference between last year’s budget and this year’s. 6 votes to approve, 1 abstaining.

ConChair for 2018 discussion. Possible options are Amy Zrnich and Lithie Dubois. Brian volunteers to discuss the option with Amy before a vote is taken. Soft commit to a vote on someone at the August meeting.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna volunteers to sort through the debris and figure out what needs to be saved. Some paperwork from the 1980s, some possible useful stuff, mostly junk. Otherwise, bags are still being sorted.

New Business:

No new business.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:35PM by Eric seconded by Lithie, 5 voted for, 2 opposed.

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