AASFA Board Minutes, February 2017

February 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
John Davis (tardy)

Also in Attendance: 

Dan E.

Meeting Called to order at 8:07pm by Brian

Cylithria moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Anna seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  We had a con and it went pretty well.

Treasurer’s Report:  Anna doesn’t know quite how the con went, waiting for Amy the Con Treasurer for final numbers. Ameriprise account is correct and in the right name. PO Box has been recovered properly (never really lost, check crossed close notice in the mail).

ConChair Report: Amy not present.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting for Brian to do more research.

Two big bags of stuff. Tabled.

New Business: 

AASFA Voting Party: Con handoff meeting in February. Lithie volunteers to handle planning for the voting party. Typical budget of $500. Homes work better than parties at the hotel usually, but hotels have a little more flexibility sometimes.

Board Nominations for March Voting Meeting: Tabled until next meeting.

Dragon’s Den at Penguicon: Lithie, as ConChair of Penguicon, is asking for AASFA to Dragon’s Den at Penguicon again. Question is how much of the Board will be attending the convention. At least six of the current Board Members. Eric moves to set aside $500 for holding a Dragon’s Den at Penguicon. Allison seconds. 5 voting for, 2 abstaining (Lithie and Brian). Motion passes.

AASFA Picnic Planning: Dave volunteers to take on Picnic Planning in order to get a date for it so it can be printed in an ad in the Penguicon program book. Budget discussion for picnic at next meeting.

Firefly room party: Many complaints from the Firefly Party people. Most complaints, based on communications history compiled by Anna, appear to be groundless. “B” requests Amy be removed as ConChair for showing favoritism to Barfleet and that he be refunded. Brian invited B and his crew to attend a meeting and participate in a discussion of events, and asked for “B’s” feedback on future room party policies. Anna committed to compiling the file of communications history. Lithie moves to invite Firefly to attend or dial in to the next meeting. Eric seconds. Passes 7-0.

Next meeting: 

Motion to close the meeting at 9:58pm by Lithie, seconded by Eric, 6 for one against.

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