AASFA Board Minutes, March 2017

March 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson (remote) (tardy)
David Klecha
John Davis

Also in Attendance: 

Dan E

Meeting Called to order at 7:57pm by Brian

Cylithria moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Everything will be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s Report:  A few minor disputes with hotel, but they have been cleared up and will be settling up soon.

ConChair Report: Last year’s conchair is about to pay the bill. Didn’t burn things down. Some things were signed off to master bill or other rooms that were not legit, or not our guests. Discussion for future events on when banquet orders are signed off on. New Con Chair in the house! Working on having a voting meeting for theme and such, down to the 12th and 18th. Brian and Hotel are working on a contract. Started working on staff and will begin e-mailing GoH invitations this weekend. Working on possible hotel contract changes for guaranteed (pre-paid) rooms in an attempt to resolve the high volume of cancellations.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting for Brian to do more research.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna gave them a good, hard look. Tabled.

AASFA Voting Party: Voting meeting set for the 18th after 6pm. Dave makes a motion to apportion $500 as a budget for the voting party. John seconds. 6-0 to approve.

Board Nominations for March Voting Meeting: Lithie moves Eric, Brian, and Anna to be safe for the voting minute. Dave seconds. 5 for, 1 abstaining. 

AASFA Picnic Planning: Set for July 15. $265 paid to Ann Arbor for it. Contract to be sent in tomorrow. Dave will create an ad for the Penguicon program with the new AASFA logo and get to Lithe by 11th (chair @ penguicon.org) 

Firefly Room Party Discussion: Tabled to invite them to next meeting.

New Business: 

Storage Cube: Lithie says the storage cube is Tetris-ed in FULL and we need to move to the next size of cube. Renewal on the current cube is due in June or July. Lithie & Dan will move the stuff once the change is made. Lithie will gather quotes on the various sizes and other sites. Voting to occur next meeting.

Discussion of ghosting and identity policies.

Next meeting: Possibly March 21 or 28, Dave will reach out to Bill P., and Allison. 

Motion to close the meeting at 10:15pm by Dave, seconded by Brian, 6-0 for.

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