May 2017 Minutes
Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Meeting Called to order at 11:47am by Brian
Eric moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Amy seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.
President’s Report: Nothing new to report.
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.
ConChair Report: Requesting a little more time for the budget due to external time factors. Would like to move it to an online vote via e-mail. Website is up and going, threw a party at Penguicon and won best drink.
Old Business:
Incorporation: Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. Making serious plans for the June meeting to discuss in depth.
Two big bags of stuff. Anna gave them a good, hard look. Tabled.
Firefly Room Party Discussion: They did not respond to the most recent meeting invite, will make one more effort to bring them to a meeting.
Storage Cube: Lithie absent, no report until she’s present. Anna will look into when the current contract expires, in case we need to do something before then.
New Business:
Scheduling next meeting, ideally for 10am on 6/24, Brian will check with hotel.
Anna is giving Amy a key to the PO Box.
Contract signed with the hotel, no other issues necessary.
Discussion of ramifications of harassment issue at Penguicon.
Motion to close the meeting at 12:15pm by Dave, seconded by Eric, 6-0 for.