AASFA Board Minutes, May 2018

May 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson
Eric Guy
Cylithria Dubois
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order 3:15pm

Amy nominates Brian for President, Lithie seconds. 6-0 for, Brian abstains.

Lithie nominates Eric for Vice President, Allison seconds. 6-1, Eric opposes just to be on recording.

Amy nominates Dave for Secretary, Anna seconds. 6-0, Dave abstains.

Anna nominates Amy for Treasurer, Allison seconds. 6-0, Amy abstains.

Lithie moves to approves the March meeting minutes. Anna seconds. Motion passes 7-0. 

President’s report: Voting party happened and theme was chosen. Board members elected, all previous members returning. No challengers appeared.

Treasurer’s report: New treasurer. 

ConChair’s report: We have a hotel: Back to the Doubletree! ConSuite moved to one of the party rooms. Teens moved to old ConSuite. KidFusion to second floor. Advantageous hotel policy changes. Everything is exciting.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Not much progress made, need to move forward with that into the first ConCom meeting. Need to communicate dates and location to outside interests, especially SubPress.

Liability Insurance: Penguicon asking about our insurance. Our approach has been communicated to Randy off-line. 

New Business:

Announcement: Anna’s last year on the Board. Be on the lookout for potential new Board members.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 3:36pm, Anna seconds, motion passes 6-1, Brian opposes.

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