AASFA Board Minutes, June 2018

June 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson (Remote)
Eric Guy (Remote)
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order at 7:16pm

Brain moves to approve the meeting minutes. Passes 6-0

President’s report: Nothing new that won’t be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: Nothing new to report.

ConChair’s report: Confirmed three guests of honor. Wondering if three guests is enough for a con. Probably, but Amy will continue to look for a Science GoH. Possibly by early July ready for registration. Discussion of possible changes for ribbons and program book. Amy is buying a house and getting a puppy. Budget promised for next meeting. Allison suggesting a charity donation prize.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Last time discussed moving forward on re-incorporating, there is no burning rush. But we will move forward with it as soon as possible. Liability insurance is the only question regarding incorporation. 

Liability Insurance: Debate on the question of insurance for specific events versus insurance coverage for the whole year of all activities. Also no rush in terms of investigating the alternatives.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Oh God. I know, right? ConCom meeting is needed to set up the full calendar.

Post Office Box: Box lost. Eric volunteered to research setting up one in Oakland County.

New Business:

Post Office Box: Box lost. Eric volunteered to research setting up one in Oakland County

AASFA Picnic: Potential date identified of July 29. Allison volunteers to run down stuff and talking to city of Ann Arbor about the date. 

Open positions for ConFusion: Room Parties, Dealers (maybe?), maybe Comics.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 7:59pm, Amy seconds, motion passes 6-0.

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