AASFA Board Minutes, August 2018

August 2018 Minutes

12:19 pm called to order

Approval of last meeting minutes. 5-0-0

Presidents report: to be covered in new/old business. 

Treasurer’s report: assumes we still have money. Cube was paid for a Goodfull year. 

Conchairs Report: still happening. Meeting today. 

Future meetings at the new hotel need to be set up. Hope to align aasfa meetings to those meetings for ease of presence. 

Brian and Amy to coordinate with Mimi. 

Old business: 

New post box: Dave is not in attendance.need to reach out to Dave offline. 

Liability insurane: resolved

Incorporation: tabled

ConCom calendar: Anna to head at ConCom meetings. 

New business:

2020 conchair: 

To discuss but, push vote to full board meeting. Lithie will send out blast for bids or  recommendations for chair or other positions

2020 nominations: voting happening today. 

2020 theme: this will occur at spring voting meeting. 

Meeting closed. 12:39 Eric motion. Brian second. 5-0-0

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