September 2018 Minutes
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith
Allison Anderson (remote)
Eric calls the meeting to order at 12:12 pm
Eric moves to approve the meeting minutes. Anna seconds. Passes 5-0
President’s report: President absent, no report.
Treasurer’s report: We have money and online access to the bank.
ConChair’s report: Running behind, but we’re still going to have a con. Meeting today. Areas are still floundering are Dealer’s Room (vending in general) and Room Parties. Still looking to add a Science GoH, but there is a suggestion from Karen.
Old Business:
Incorporation: Tabled.
Post Office Box: Dave will go to place on 12 Mile Road and secure PO Box.
ConChair Selection for 2020: Tabled.
New Business:
Con Prep: Dragon’s Den and such.
Voting Meeting: Needs to be set for March.
AASFA Planning Calendar: Set out hard dates for annual events so that we can plan better and be more proactive.
October Meeting: Looking at October 20th for next ConCom meeting. Consensus on that date for 11am AASFA Board meeting.
Dave moves to close the meeting at 12:28pm Anna seconds, motion passes 5-0.