AASFA Board Minutes, June 2019

June 2019 Minutes


Brian Decker (remote)
Anna Carey (remote)
Dave Klecha (remote)
Amy Sexsmith (?)
Allison Anderson (remote)
Cylithria Dubois (remote)
Bob Brodis (remote)

Brian calls the meeting to order at 1:06pm

Brian calls a vote to approve the minutes from the last meeting: Motion passes 6-0

President’s report: 

Treasurer’s report: treasurer is absent

ConChair 2020 report: 

 Emily Bell was added as David’s assistant at the last ConCom meeting

Third weekend of month reserved at Sheraton for two years hence

Brian would like to hold the next two board meetings at the hotel

Old Business: 

Incorporation: Tabled still. No compelling reason to incorporate at this point.

AASFA Planning Calendar: David still working on this

Update the AASFA website: Just a reminder that this needs to be done. Dave & Lithie will continue to work together to make some updates.

Ongoing issues with several disruptive individuals were discussed 

Regarding Individual “E”:  The possibility of a convention ban was discussed but not decided upon

Regarding Individual “F”: It has been alleged that Individual “F” has made certain threats of disruption and has harassed attendees and/or  staff at AASFA events and other conventions.

New Business:

AASFA Summer Picnic: It is probably too late to have this in July as usual. Saturday August 17th is proposed if we can reserve the park space.  Bob Brodis will inquire about getting the space at Southeast Area Park for that date a resident discount.

Budgeting and monetary issues need addressed. Scheduling of a meeting with Amy to go over this is discussed. Allison volunteers to handle this if granted access. 

Badge Pricing:  

Refunds: Tabled

Creation of a new “TeenFusion” Ticket category discussed

$5 increase to general admission

Teen @ -$5

No change to  kid pricing

Staff/ Board/ Concom $10

Panelists $25

Past conchair freebie badge eliminated

Next meeting July 28 at hotel 11:00 am

Brian moves to close the meeting at 3:12pm. Lithie seconds. Motion passes

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