AASFA Board Meetings, September 2014

AASFA board 9/21/2014
In attendance
Brian Decker, President
Anna Carey, Vice President
Amy Zrnich, Treasurer
Angie Rush, Secretary
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Chloe Zrnich
Meeting Called to order at 12:25  by Brian
Motion to approve August minutes by Brian, seconded by Chloe
President’s Report: Nothing new.
Treasurer’s Report: Nothing new.
Old Business:
Incorpor. Discussion: Waiting on the last of the mail from the PO Box. Dave has the PO box key, and will be working
Thursdays in Ann Arbor and will get the mail and meet up with Brian to give him the mail.
Square vs Paypal: Tabled
Con needs a printer: We are getting one, Dave is working with Tammy about the handover of stuff.
Detcon lending: See Above
Coffee Makers:Still reviewing coffeemakers. Probably going with a perk type, still trying to find ones we’re happy with.
Cool stuff grants
for room parties: Dave is still going to write something to the community inviting them to apply.
Brian: How will we decide who gets the big party rooms?
Anna: Depends on the goal of the party
Amy: Sort out rooms based on what their needs/plan is/are
John: Need to get together a list of guidelines with the application
Amy: Someone should do an all-ages alcohol-free party
Thanksgiving would be the cut off to get it in the program book
Dave: Promote cool stuff grants, parties are an option.  He’ll send out something
Anna: Don’t forget we could fund community party events outside the con, too.
Book Donations: Angie (Pendrican) – Will contact the school.
Fall Outing: Angie will send out an email/FB saying that we are considering a community event
on the 24th, are you interested? and wait a week to see what happens.
ConChair Report: Still having a con!
Programming is coming along.
Budget time. It’s ready, will send out in email to vote.
50 lit panelists confirmed
New Business:   No new business
Motion to close the meeting at 1:13 called by Brian, seconded by Chloe, all for.

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