AASFA Board Minutes, May 2016

May 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
John Davis
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois – Remote 
Josh Parker – Remote
Eric Guy

Meeting Called to order at 7:43PM by Brian

Brian moves to approve last meeting minutes, Eric Guy seconds, 7 voting to approve

President’s Report:  All will be covered in old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Alex Drummer got paid based on Cool Stuff Grant. Anna has not dug into the accounts yet. Con owes Anna some money for the Penguicon party. Brain & Anna need to make plan to swap Amy for Anna on the accounts.

ConChair Report: Two GoHs in hand. Karen (Science) and Tammy (Fan), need to work on rest of GoHs. Julie Winningham will be running Programming & Social Media. Justin Landon backed out of Lit, Dave K. has been asked to fill in. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:   Brian’s accountant will be meeting with him shortly to discuss incorporation paperwork.

PO Box: Eric has volunteered to be a day errand runner and will check the PO Box soon.

Picnic: July 8 and 23 are the two dates available at the park we used last time. Jon requested a hold at the park for the 23rd. Jon moves to schedule the picnic for the 23rd, given no other conflicts. Dave seconds. 7 votes for. Starting at noon. Jon will coordinate venue, food, and beverage on a budget of $500, Anna & Dave will handle notifications and voting.

AASFA Polices: Dave will send out the link to the policies for review and approval.

AASFA Purchase of final coffee maker to replace dead and old. Turned over to the Con and removed from AASFA business.

New Business:

Dave K. will be scheduling meetings moving forward.

Remove Amy from the bank accounts and the AASFA mailing list. Brian & Anna to handle.

Budget from the conchair needed for approval. Anna promises it “lickety-split.”

Game library starting. Eric wants to donate. Game library is in a single tote that is currently stored in the cube. More totes may be necessary if more games are donated, current tote is full. Check out, check in list and possible inventory list of the library to be able to publish and attract interest.

Eric has a lot of computer stuff. Discussion of possible uses for computers, including possible computer lab or computer track. Might be room for educational thing in the TeenFusion track. Might be also useful for reg and Ops.

ConFusion website is up (and fixed). And yes, we’re making panelists pay. $20 for panelists.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:29PM by Brian seconded by Anna, 7 voted for.

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