November 2016 Minutes
Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
Also in Attendance:
Dan E.
Meeting Called to order at 11:42am by Brian
Lithie moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 5 voting to approve.
President’s Report: All will be covered in new & old business
Treasurer’s Report: Recap from last month- Brian and Anna tried to get Anna on the accounts, but they need all current account holders present to add or remove people from it, so they need to coordinate with Amy to make changes. Amy has provided online information to Anna so she can monitor accounts. Suggestion brought up to leave Amy on all accounts because otherwise it’s just Brian and Anna, and they travel frequently together for business. To be determined by the Board Treasurer. Anna is also working out issues with Ameriprise, who holds the Board’s snow fund.
ConChair Report: Meetings last weekend, everything seems to be falling into place. Hotel is filling up. Lot of talk about accessibility, filled track head positions. Programming working to set schedule by Thanksgiving. Still working to set up something for KidFusion. We have an official charity.
Old Business:
Incorporation: Tabled.
ConChair 2018: In Oct Meeting: Eric nominates Amy to be ConChair for 2018. Lithie seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.
Discussion of GoH selection and the latitude the ConChair has in selecting GoHs beyond those voted on by the membership at the summer picnic. -Anna to send.
Two big bags of stuff. Tabled.
Vice President vacancy. Dave nominates Eric. Lithie seconds. No further discussion. 6 votes for, Eric abstains.
Printer has been sitting at Eric’s house forever, needs to be moved to the storage cube. Anna will call over to the storage unit to add Eric and Allison to the access list. Also discussion of adding logistics person (Dan) to the access list.
Braille pricing for the convention, and may need to connect with whoever did Books for the Blind. May need to reach out to Angie Rush. Anna is looking for frugal options for doing Braille programs. Dave and Allison will take on looking into old records for this information.
New Business:
New Board member. Josh Parker has been removed from the email list. Allison is now on the list for the Board.
Next meeting:
Motion to close the meeting at 9:25PM by Lithie seconded by John, 6 voted for, 1 opposed.