AASFA Board Minutes, May 2018

May 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson
Eric Guy
Cylithria Dubois
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order 3:15pm

Amy nominates Brian for President, Lithie seconds. 6-0 for, Brian abstains.

Lithie nominates Eric for Vice President, Allison seconds. 6-1, Eric opposes just to be on recording.

Amy nominates Dave for Secretary, Anna seconds. 6-0, Dave abstains.

Anna nominates Amy for Treasurer, Allison seconds. 6-0, Amy abstains.

Lithie moves to approves the March meeting minutes. Anna seconds. Motion passes 7-0. 

President’s report: Voting party happened and theme was chosen. Board members elected, all previous members returning. No challengers appeared.

Treasurer’s report: New treasurer. 

ConChair’s report: We have a hotel: Back to the Doubletree! ConSuite moved to one of the party rooms. Teens moved to old ConSuite. KidFusion to second floor. Advantageous hotel policy changes. Everything is exciting.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Not much progress made, need to move forward with that into the first ConCom meeting. Need to communicate dates and location to outside interests, especially SubPress.

Liability Insurance: Penguicon asking about our insurance. Our approach has been communicated to Randy off-line. 

New Business:

Announcement: Anna’s last year on the Board. Be on the lookout for potential new Board members.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 3:36pm, Anna seconds, motion passes 6-1, Brian opposes.

2018 Spring Voting Meeting

Who: YOU!

Date: April 14th, 2018 at 4pm

Location: Dearborn Doubletree in Detroit, 5801 Southfield Expressway, Detroit, Michigan, 48228, USA

What: The AASFA Board Spring Voting Meeting and ConFusion Kickoff Party


We will be providing some munchies and beverages but please bring stuff to share. This event is open to EVERYONE, not just Con-Com.

The AASFA board will be calling for nominations for board members soon, remember if you have attended 2 AASFA events* in the last year, you CAN vote.


Two items will be up for a vote at the meeting: the name of the 2019 edition of ConFusion and electing AASFA Board members. To suggest names for the convention, or nominate potential Board members, please e-mail nominations@aasfa.org.


*AASFA events from the last year:

-2017 Summer Picnic

-2018 ConFusion

-2018 Spring Voting Meeting

AASFA Board Minutes, March 2018

March 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson (Remote)
Eric Guy
Cylithria Dubois (Remote)
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order 4:11pm.

Amy moves to approves the February meeting minutes. Allison seconds. Motion passes 6-0, Eric abstains.

President’s report: Nothing that will not be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: Still not on the books, nothing to report. Working with Amy to get to the bank and get on the account. No numbers yet for ConFusion Through the Looking Glass. Hotel bill paid.

ConChair’s report: We had a convention. 909 hot bodies. Currently shopping at a couple of hotels for ConFusion 2019. Several unrealistic conditions to Sheraton. In conversations with the Doubletree again as a result. Many improvements in the facilities. 

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled.

Spring Voting Meeting: Brian will continue to pursue voting party at the Doubletree. Amy will be coordinating the voting meeting/party. Holding pattern until word on the hotel. Allison will assist Amy with planning.

Board Nominations: Brian moves to make Amy, Dave, and Eric safe for next election. Approved 6-0, Eric abstains.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Probably going to take a ConCom meeting in order to map out a generic calendar, in order to determine how long certain things take in order to plot out dependent deadlines properly. 

New Business:

April Board Meeting: Will likely be at the next meeting.

Penguicon Party: Instead of a party (since rooms are limited if not gone), sponsor a tea in the con suite. Lithie will reach out to Janet Gocay.

Website: Stick with Dreamhost for now.

Liability Insurance: Randy Bradakis wanted to know about liability insurance for Penguicon and what ConFusion uses. Amy purchased event insurance, just for the date of the event, and added the alcohol rider. Brian will communicate back with Randy and urge him to contact the ConChair if he needs more details.

Brian moves to close the meeting at 5:17pm, Anna seconds, motion passes 6-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, February 2018

February 2018 Minutes


Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson (Remote)
Eric Guy (Remote)
Cylithria Dubois (Remote)

Brian Decker
Amy Sexsmith

Eric calls the meeting to order 11:07am.

Anna moves to approves the December meeting minutes. Cylithria seconds. Motion passes 5-0

President’s report: President is absent, no report.

Treasurer’s report: Still not on the books, nothing to report. Working with Amy to get to the bank and get on the account. No numbers yet for ConFusion Through the Looking Glass. Hotel bill not paid yet due to disputes.

ConChair’s report: ConChair is absent, no report.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled due to absence of President.

New Business:

Spring Voting Meeting: Discussion of date for Spring voting meeting, centering on early April. April 14 looking good for everyone in the meeting at the moment. Need to confirm with Brian and Amy before setting it in stone. Consensus on the hotel as a venue if available. Suggestion of Amy to run it again, and Allison volunteers to assist if necessary. Dave will reach out to Amy to make sure she’s okay with it, then online vote to approve. 

Board Nominations: Tabled until March.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Anna proposes the creation of a Board-dictated calendar for timing of ConFusion planning. Due dates, fallback dates, reminder dates, and so on. Need to create a document working backward from con date. Suggestion for each Board member to work on in their own areas of strength to assemble timelines to be transposed into a shareable online calendar. 

March Board Meeting: Need to check with Amy on dates for a March ConCom meeting. General availability for after work is good on Wednesdays and Fridays, weekends mostly look good. 

Dave moves to close the meeting at 11:51 am, Allison seconds, motion passes 5-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, December 2017

December 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith (tardy)

Meeting Called to order at 11:28am by Brian

Eric moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Anna seconds, 5-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer just had a baby. Needs to send a check for the PO Box. Also need to get Anna on all of the bank accounts. Needs to be scheduled.

ConChair Report: Amy is absent due to car trouble. Will be covered in the ConCom meeting following.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Vote tabled on whether or not to fold the organization and reincorporate as a 501(c)7. Time to be taken to further research the differences between various types of not-for-profit. Full face-to-face meeting in January during Dragon’s Den is a possibility depending on audience attendance.

New Business:

Hotel under new management. Problematic guest has not re-registered as of this time. But the contract has changed with the new management, and may change again.

Motion to close the meeting at 12:05pm by Dave, seconded by Eric, 6-0 approve.

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2017

November 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson (remote)
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith (remote)
Cylithria DuBois (remote)

Meeting Called to order at 7:06pm by Brian

Brian moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 7-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Treasurer just had a baby. Needs to send a check for the PO Box. Also need to get Anna on all of the bank accounts. Needs to be scheduled.

ConChair Report: We are still having a con. Just had a meeting on Sunday. Next two meetings have been scheduled for December 16th and January 7th. Liaisons needed, but otherwise okay. Amy will be asking John Davis to do the program book. Also need to discuss hotel contract for 2019.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Vote tabled on whether or not to fold the organization and reincorporate as a 501(c)7. Time to be taken to further research the differences between various types of not-for-profit. Full face-to-face meeting in December to be the opportunity to vote.

New Business:

New meeting scheduled for January 16th prior to the Concom Meeting. Board meeting at 11am. Goal is for everyone to be face to face at that meeting. 

Suggestion from Eric for 2020 to consider the idea of giving out an award at the convention in order to raise the profile of the con and attract more interest. Potential idea to have a juried award of whimsical award topics. More research and discussion.

Discussion of options to do more publisher events.

Motion to close the meeting at 7:45pm by Brian, seconded by Dave, 7-0 approve.

AASFA Board Minutes, October 2017

October 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Cylithria DuBois (remote)

Meeting Called to order at 11:28am by Brian

Brian moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 7-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Still a company in the State of Michigan. Went to the storage cube and paid out through August 4, 2018. No discount for prepay, but we did lock in the current rate.

ConChair Report: We are still having a con. Things are starting to fall into place. Meeting today following Board meeting. 

Old Business:

Incorporation: In good standing as a non-profit company with State of Michigan, but not with Feds/IRS due to non-filing of taxes. One option is to try to retro file taxes and write a letter begging forgiveness. Unlikely to succeed. Second option is to fold AASFA and stand up a new company. Third option is to do nothing and carry on as an association of friends who hold a couple of parties every year, one of them very big. Suggestion that we wait until after the con to take actual action in order to maximize board member bandwidth. Brian suggests everyone mull over the options, including incorporating 501(c7). Tabling to next meeting for any actual votes.

Picking a ConChair for 2019: Jeff is a no-go for 2019, Eric might be willing but prefers 2020. Eric is renewing offer to co-conchair. Amy is willing to do it again. Dave moves to name Amy ConChair for 2019. Eric seconds. Vote 6 in favor, 1 abstaining. Motion passes.

New Business:

New meeting time tabled until ConCom meeting discussion.

Motion to close the meeting at 12:00 by Brian, seconded by Anna, 7-0 approve.

AASFA Board Minutes, September 2017

September 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith
Allison Anderson

Dialed in: David Klecha 

Meeting Called to order at 12:06pm by Brian

Last meeting minutes approval. 6-0-0

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.

ConChair Report:

Meeting today. 

GoH Spots filled.

Need Subpress guest info. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. 

Storage Cube: 

Motion to approve paying for the whole year of storage.

Eric Motions. Amy Seconds. 6-0-0 Motion carries. Anna will go with a check this week. 

Current keys are held by: 



At storage office – all board members can pick up the key, will need ID. 

Possible Conchairs for 2019:

Allison Anderson- needs a few weeks to see if she is able.

Eric Guy – wants 2020

Jeff Marraccini – not able to.

Amy Sexsmith – 

Plan to pick a conchair at OCT meeting.

New Business:

Next Meeting- at the concom meeting? 

Oct: 15 – Good for Anna, Eric, Amy, Dave, Allison, Brian 

Brian to contact Hotel.

Mail Key is in Anna’s possession. (received from amy)

Motion to close the meeting at 12:25pm by Eric, seconded by Amy, 6-0-0 for.

AASFA Board Minutes, August 2017

August 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith

Dialed in: 
Allison Anderson
Lithie Dubois 

Meeting Called to order at 7:17pm by Brian

Last meeting minutes approval tabled till minutes are shared. 

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.

ConChair Report:

All GoH Slots are filled. Announced.

No August meeting, but there will be a september meeting. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. 

Storage Cube: 

We moved! New cube is in Madison Hts. it is twice the size of the old cube. Current keys are held by: 
At storage office – all board members can pick up the key, will need ID. 

New Business:

ConChair needs her budget approved. 

Eric motions to approve the 2018 proposed budget. 

Lithie Seconds. 

5-0-1 Motion approved.

Possible Conchairs for 2019:

Allison Anderson

Eric Guy – wants 2020

Jeff Marraccini –

Amy Sexsmith – 

Allison will talk to Jeff about his possibility of running the con.

Next Meeting- at the concom meeting.

Motion to close the meeting at 8:00pm by Brian, seconded by Amy, 6-0 for.

AASFA Board Minutes, January 2017

January 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
David Klecha
Cylithria DuBois
Eric Guy
John Davis
Allison Anderson

Brian Decker calls the meeting to order at 6:10

Brian moves to table all business. Cylithria seconds. Votes 7-0 in favor. 

Dave moves to close the meeting at 6:50. Anna seconds. Vote 7-0 in favor.