AASFA Board Minutes, February 2019

February 2019 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Allison Anderson
Cylithria Dubois

Also present:
Dan Eckerd
Geralyn Lance

Brian calls the meeting to order at 11:39 am 1:07pm

Brian moves to approve the meeting minutes. Anna seconds. Passes 6-0.

President’s report: A lot of exciting stuff going on, but it will be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: We still have money.

ConChair’s 2019 report: We had a con. It was rather successful. Weather did lessen attendance overall, including program participants. Still closing out billing including paying the hotel bill due to a lack of contact with Mimi.

ConChair 2020 report:  Lithie is ConChair, Geralyn is deputy, Brian is hotel liaison. Hotel contract is being worked on, Sheraton is in the mix as well as Doubletree. Got no money, got no hotel, got no pre-regs. (Actually, maybe we do.)

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled still. No compelling reason to incorporate at this point

Handoff/Voting Meeting/Party: Geralyn has volunteered to host, March 16 as a locked in date. Starting at 4pm, voting begins at 5pm with the cut off at 7pm. 

AASFA Planning Calendar: Set out hard dates for annual events so that we can plan better and be more proactive.

Nominations for Voting Party: One of the safe people will count votes. Dave moves to make Lithie, Allison, and Brian “safe” for voting. Anna seconds. Motion passes 6-0. Nominees for the Board will be passed in to nominations@aasfa.org. Nominations for the ConFusion 2020 theme will be sent in as well. Call for nominations to be disseminated on social media.

Party food/prep: Lithie makes a motion to set the budget for $500 and Allison to handle it. Anna seconds. Motion passes 6-0.

Domain name renewal: Dave moves to approve $100 for an auto-renewal of AASFA.org and confusions.org. Lithie seconds. Motion passes 6-0. 

Update the AASFA website: Just a reminder that this needs to be done. Dave & Lithie will work together to make some updates.

Feedback from ConFusion 2019: Lithie suggests that feedback be closed at the end of February, and will put a social media blast out to collect final stragglers. How is the information shared? Copied and shared by Anna out to relevant upcoming concom members. Add a Code of Conduct violation form for reporting behavior, which never closes and allows anonymity, plus adding a link to that form from the general feedback form.

Dave Brian moves to close the meeting at 2:25pm. Dave seconds. Motion passes 6-0.

AASFA Board Minutes January 2019

January 2019 Supplementary Minutes


Brian Decker
Amy Sexsmith
David Klecha
Allison Anderson
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois


Ryan Carey
Dan Eckard

Brian calls the meeting to order at 2:01pm

Brian moves to table all procedures. Dave seconds. 6-0 for. 

Cylithria moves to accept Eric’s resignation. Anna seconds. 6-0 for. 

Amy moves to appoint Cylithria to Interim ConChair. Dave seconds. 5-0 for, 1 abstains. 

Dave moves to leave Board position vacant until March voting meeting. Amy seconds. 6-0 for. 

Cylithria moves to close the meeting at 2:05pm. Anna seconds. 6-0 for. 

AASFA Board Minutes, January 2019

January 2019 Minutes (Regular Board meeting)


Brian Decker
Eric Guy
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Allison Anderson

Brian called the meeting to order at 5:10pm.

Brian moves to table all business. Dave seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

“Gib” proposes an idea, introducing himself first as the “raspberry pie guy.” He is suggesting a sort of round table progressive story concept that would involve attending authors, the money going to pay them to seed ideas, but also attendees and other people from around wherever. Eric moves to approve $100 for prizes for this idea. Dave seconds. Vote to approve 7-0.

Gib proposes another idea about solar power. Involves purchasing a solar panel at Home Depot and having someone with some expertise to perform demos on solar power at the con. Probably appropriate for something with some extra planning for a future convention.

Also, “let’s buy a popper.” Not sure about that one.

Drew announces that he has talked to Penguicon about building a custom registration system. Would like to involve ConFusion.

Lithie moves to close the meeting. Eric seconds. Vote to approve 6-1.

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2018

November 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker,
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha (remote)
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith 
Allison Anderson (remote)
Cylithria Dubois (remote)

Brian calls the meeting to order at 11:38 am

Anna moves to approve the meeting minutes. Eric seconds. Passes 7-0.

President’s report: A lot of exciting stuff going on, but it will be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: We still have money.

ConChair’s report: Con is still happening. Everything will be covered in ConCom meeting.

ConChair’s 2020 report: Eric is thinking about several themes for 2020, including a Stargate theme. Looking for info on how to contact nominated guests of honor. Dave will work with Eric to develop contacts for reaching out to possible Guests of Honor.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled still. No compelling reason to incorporate at this point.

Post Office Box: Dave has signed up for the PO Box and will pick up a key Tuesday, 11/20 and inform the Board of the new address.

Con Prep: Dragon’s Den. Let’s do it! Dave is also planning outreach panels to try to generate more volunteers and staff, probably at least one on Sunday morning.

New Business:

Voting Meeting: Needs to be set for March. MUST BE DONE AT DECEMBER MEETING.

AASFA Planning Calendar: Set out hard dates for annual events so that we can plan better and be more proactive.

Board Outreach: Need to work on developing a “bench” to back up the current skeleton crew on ConCom.

December Meeting: Shooting for 12/16, but 12/9 is also an option. Depends on ConCom meeting and hotel availability.

January Meeting: Shooting for January 6. Depends on ConCom meeting and hotel availability.

Handoff Meeting/Party: Decide at December meeting on date/time/location for this.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 12:24pm. Eric seconds. Motion passes 7-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, October 2018

October 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey (remote)
Dave Klecha
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith
Allison Anderson

Eric calls the meeting to order at 11:36 am

Brian moves to approve the meeting minutes. Dave seconds. Passes 5-0, Brian abstains.

President’s report: Nothing to report, all will be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: We have money and online access to the bank.

ConChair’s report: Con is still happening. May need to submit a budget for approval yet.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled still. No compelling reason to incorporate at this point.

Post Office Box: Dave will go to place on 12 Mile Road and secure PO Box. 

ConChair Selection for 2020: Eric is the only current contender for ConChair. Concerns with Eric’s health and the stress level of running the convention. Dave moves to approve ConChair for 2020. Amy seconds. Motion passed 5-0, Eric abstains.

New Business:

Con Prep: Dragon’s Den and such.

Voting Meeting: Needs to be set for March. 

AASFA Planning Calendar: Set out hard dates for annual events so that we can plan better and be more proactive.

Board Outreach: Need to work on developing a “bench” to back up the current skeleton crew on ConCom.

November Meeting: We will discuss that when a ConCom meeting date is decided. 

Dave moves to close the meeting at 12:06pm. Eric seconds. Motion passes 5-0, Brian abstains.

AASFA Board Minutes, September 2018

September 2018 Minutes

Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Eric Guy
Amy Sexsmith
Allison Anderson (remote)

Eric calls the meeting to order at 12:12 pm

Eric moves to approve the meeting minutes. Anna seconds. Passes 5-0

President’s report: President absent, no report.

Treasurer’s report: We have money and online access to the bank.

ConChair’s report: Running behind, but we’re still going to have a con. Meeting today. Areas are still floundering are Dealer’s Room (vending in general) and Room Parties. Still looking to add a Science GoH, but there is a suggestion from Karen.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Tabled.

Post Office Box: Dave will go to place on 12 Mile Road and secure PO Box. 

ConChair Selection for 2020: Tabled.

New Business:

Con Prep: Dragon’s Den and such.

Voting Meeting: Needs to be set for March. 

AASFA Planning Calendar: Set out hard dates for annual events so that we can plan better and be more proactive.

October Meeting: Looking at October 20th for next ConCom meeting. Consensus on that date for 11am AASFA Board meeting.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 12:28pm Anna seconds, motion passes 5-0.

AASFA Board Minutes, August 2018

August 2018 Minutes

12:19 pm called to order

Approval of last meeting minutes. 5-0-0

Presidents report: to be covered in new/old business. 

Treasurer’s report: assumes we still have money. Cube was paid for a Goodfull year. 

Conchairs Report: still happening. Meeting today. 

Future meetings at the new hotel need to be set up. Hope to align aasfa meetings to those meetings for ease of presence. 

Brian and Amy to coordinate with Mimi. 

Old business: 

New post box: Dave is not in attendance.need to reach out to Dave offline. 

Liability insurane: resolved

Incorporation: tabled

ConCom calendar: Anna to head at ConCom meetings. 

New business:

2020 conchair: 

To discuss but, push vote to full board meeting. Lithie will send out blast for bids or  recommendations for chair or other positions

2020 nominations: voting happening today. 

2020 theme: this will occur at spring voting meeting. 

Meeting closed. 12:39 Eric motion. Brian second. 5-0-0

AASFA 2018 Summer Picnic, August Edition

It’s that time of year again, SUMMER! And that means it is also time for the annual AASFA summer picnic.



WHERE: SouthEast Area Park, E. Ellsworth Rd. and Platt Rd. (NW corner) Ann Arbor, Mi 48108

  • This is the same park as last year.
  • Linked at the bottom is a map of the park.
  • We have rented out the covered shelter for the event, please meet there.

WHEN: SUNDAY, August 26th, 2018 – 12pm to ?

  • During the picnic there will be a ConCom Meeting. An AASFA Board Meeting will precede the picnic at 11am. (These are open to anyone!)



  • Voting on Pro, Science, Fan, and Artist/Music/Gaming/Other GOH’s (4 total) for the 2020 ConFusion (2019’s GoHs are already set, or in the works)
  • Please send nominations to nominations@aasfa.org (comments/direct replies will not be considered nominations)
  • When you send a nomination, please include some information about the person and what category they would fall into.


  • The AASFA Board will provide some food and beverages, but encourage people to bring something to share.
  • If you bring a dish to share, please bring serving utensils.


  • And your friends.
  • And anyone thats seems pretty cool and is into fandom
  • (or should be).
  • This is an all ages event, so bring along the kidlets too!


Hope to see you there!!

Southeast Area Park Map

AASFA Board Minutes, July 2018

July 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Eric Guy (Remote)
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order at 12:34 pm

Brain moves to approve the meeting minutes. Passes 5-0

President’s report: Nothing new that won’t be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: Nothing new to report.

ConChair’s report: Still looking for a 4th GoH (Science), but now that Karen B. is on board, Amy will be consulting with her about science guests. ConCom meeting today. No budget yet, Amy is still working on it.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Last time discussed moving forward on re-incorporating, there is no burning rush. But we will move forward with it as soon as possible. Liability insurance is the only question regarding incorporation. 

Liability Insurance: Continuing discussion of liability insurance. No further discussion needed in future meetings. The questions are well-understood by the Board as to who is responsible and when depending on the venue and nature of the event. 

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Will make an effort at today’s ConCom meeting to get a start on establishing deadlines. Intent is to place it in a shareable online calendar.

Post Office Box: Discussion of size and location. Amy moves 5”x5” box at the place on 12 Mile Road. Dave seconds. Passes 5-0. 

AASFA Picnic: Set for August 26th at Noon at Southwest Area Park in Ann Arbor. Need to approve total budget and nominate someone to buy food and pick up stuff from the cube. Amy volunteers to do food, Brian and/or Anna will get to the cube to pick that stuff up. Dave moves to approve $500 budget to cover park rental and food. Brian seconds. Carries 5-0.

New Business:

Cube Rental Payment: Discussion of paying per year. Consensus resolves around continuing to pay annually. No appetite for moving, certainly. Amy will try to call and do it over the phone. Brian moves to pay for the storage cube for a year. Dave seconds. Carries 5-0.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 1:08pm, Amy seconds, motion passes 5-0. 1 irrelevant vote.

AASFA Board Minutes, June 2018

June 2018 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Allison Anderson (Remote)
Eric Guy (Remote)
Amy Sexsmith

Brian calls the meeting to order at 7:16pm

Brain moves to approve the meeting minutes. Passes 6-0

President’s report: Nothing new that won’t be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s report: Nothing new to report.

ConChair’s report: Confirmed three guests of honor. Wondering if three guests is enough for a con. Probably, but Amy will continue to look for a Science GoH. Possibly by early July ready for registration. Discussion of possible changes for ribbons and program book. Amy is buying a house and getting a puppy. Budget promised for next meeting. Allison suggesting a charity donation prize.

Old Business:

Incorporation: Last time discussed moving forward on re-incorporating, there is no burning rush. But we will move forward with it as soon as possible. Liability insurance is the only question regarding incorporation. 

Liability Insurance: Debate on the question of insurance for specific events versus insurance coverage for the whole year of all activities. Also no rush in terms of investigating the alternatives.

ConFusion Planning Calendar: Oh God. I know, right? ConCom meeting is needed to set up the full calendar.

Post Office Box: Box lost. Eric volunteered to research setting up one in Oakland County.

New Business:

Post Office Box: Box lost. Eric volunteered to research setting up one in Oakland County

AASFA Picnic: Potential date identified of July 29. Allison volunteers to run down stuff and talking to city of Ann Arbor about the date. 

Open positions for ConFusion: Room Parties, Dealers (maybe?), maybe Comics.

Dave moves to close the meeting at 7:59pm, Amy seconds, motion passes 6-0.