AASFA 2017 Summer Picnic

It’s that time of year again, SUMMER! And that means it is also time for the annual AASFA summer picnic.



WHERE: SouthEast Area Park, E. Ellsworth Rd. and Platt Rd. (NW corner) Ann Arbor, Mi 48108

  • This is the same park as last year, different from previous years.
  • Linked at the bottom is a map of the park.
  • We have rented out the covered shelter for the event, please meet there.

WHEN: SATURDAY, July 15th, 12pm – ?, 2017

  • During the picnic there will be a ConCom Meeting. An AASFA Board Meeting will precede the picnic at 10am. (These are open to anyone!)



  • Voting on Pro, Science, Fan, and Artist/Music/Gaming/Other GOH’s (4 total) for the 2019 ConFusion (2018’s GoHs are already set, or in the works)
  • Please send nominations to nominations@aasfa.org (comments/direct replies will not be considered nominations)
  • When you send a nomination, please include some information about the person and what category they would fall into.


  • The AASFA Board will provide some food and beverages, but encourage people to bring something to share.
  • If you bring a dish to share, please bring serving utensils.


  • And your friends.
  • And anyone thats seems pretty cool and is into fandom
  • (or should be).
  • This is an all ages event, so bring along the kidlets too!


Hope to see you there!!

Southeast Area Park Map

AASFA Board Minutes, June 2017

June 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith

Bill P.
Chuck O.

Meeting Called to order at 10:30am by Brian

Anna moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Amy seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.

ConChair Report: Still having a con, working on lining up GoHs and getting staff positions filled. Hotel contract stuff will be covered in old business. Budget is still a work in progress, goal for it to be delivered prior to picnic.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. Making serious plans for the July meeting to discuss in depth.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna went through them and disposed of the irrelevant items. 95% went to recycling/trash/shredded. Anything important was filed. Many hand-written receipts for checks in the 1980s. Art show never made money, and the con suite used to charge for food and drink at cost.

Storage Cube: Lithie absent, no report until she’s present. Anna will look into when the current contract expires, in case we need to do something before then. Brian will e-mail Lithie regarding our progress on this project. 

Firefly Room Party Discussion: Bill and Chuck in attendance. Discussion of timeline of events based on e-mail records harvested from permanent e-mail box. Discussion of how to improve the process. 

Contract signed with the hotel, no other issues necessary. 

Discussion of ramifications of harassment issue at Penguicon.

Picnic time is set. Dave will get a write-up to Anna for web and social media.

New Business:

Next meeting on 7/15 @ 10am prior to the picnic. 

Motion to close the meeting at 12:10pm by Brian, seconded by Amy, 6-0 for.

AASFA Board Minutes, May 2017

May 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith

Meeting Called to order at 11:47am by Brian

Eric moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Amy seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:  Nothing new to report, no changes. Still working on getting the accounts switched over.

ConChair Report: Requesting a little more time for the budget due to external time factors. Would like to move it to an online vote via e-mail. Website is up and going, threw a party at Penguicon and won best drink. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion tabled, but we’ll need to have a meeting to discuss this in depth. Making serious plans for the June meeting to discuss in depth.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna gave them a good, hard look. Tabled.

Firefly Room Party Discussion: They did not respond to the most recent meeting invite, will make one more effort to bring them to a meeting.

Storage Cube: Lithie absent, no report until she’s present. Anna will look into when the current contract expires, in case we need to do something before then. 

New Business:

Scheduling next meeting, ideally for 10am on 6/24, Brian will check with hotel. 

Anna is giving Amy a key to the PO Box.

Contract signed with the hotel, no other issues necessary. 

Discussion of ramifications of harassment issue at Penguicon.

Motion to close the meeting at 12:15pm by Dave, seconded by Eric, 6-0 for.

AASFA Board Minutes, April 2017

April 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
Amy Sexsmith

Meeting Called to order at 10:24am by Brian

First order of business. Nominations for President. Anna nominates Brian Decker, seconded by Amy. 6 for, one abstaining.

Nomination for Vice President. Amy nominates Eric Guy, Lithie seconds. 6 for, one abstaining.

Nomination for Treasurer. Dave nominates Anna. Amy seconds. 6 for, one abstaining.

Nomination for Secretary. Amy nominates Dave. Anna seconds. 6 for, one abstaining. 

Cylithria moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 7-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  We had a voting party. Lost John Davis. Updated mailing list to remove John and add Amy. All else covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s Report:  Working on getting accounts straightened out. We do have money in our accounts. Anna has $500 in cash for Dragon’s Den if it were to happen, but could be repurposed for ConFusion party. 

ConChair Report: We had a voting party, got a theme. ConFusion through the Looking Glass is the name. Two confirmed GoHs. Hotel and dates are set, 18th-21st of January at the Sheraton. Budget proposal will come in May. Still wrangling staff into their positions. Party at Penguicon. Hotel contract signed and settled.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting for Brian to do more research.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna gave them a good, hard look. Tabled.

AASFA Picnic Planning: Set for July 15. Eric moves to provide $500 for the picnic budget, for Dave to manage. Lithie seconds. Vote is 7-0 for. 

Firefly Room Party Discussion: Tabled to invite them to next meeting. Need to schedule May’s meeting. Dave will invite them once the May meeting is scheduled. 

Storage Cube: Lithie will work on it. Tabled until next meeting. 

New Business:

No new business.

Motion to close the meeting at 10:50am by Brian, seconded by Lithie, 7-0 for.

AASFA Board Minutes, March 2017

March 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson (remote) (tardy)
David Klecha
John Davis

Also in Attendance: 

Dan E

Meeting Called to order at 7:57pm by Brian

Cylithria moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  Everything will be covered in new and old business.

Treasurer’s Report:  A few minor disputes with hotel, but they have been cleared up and will be settling up soon.

ConChair Report: Last year’s conchair is about to pay the bill. Didn’t burn things down. Some things were signed off to master bill or other rooms that were not legit, or not our guests. Discussion for future events on when banquet orders are signed off on. New Con Chair in the house! Working on having a voting meeting for theme and such, down to the 12th and 18th. Brian and Hotel are working on a contract. Started working on staff and will begin e-mailing GoH invitations this weekend. Working on possible hotel contract changes for guaranteed (pre-paid) rooms in an attempt to resolve the high volume of cancellations.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting for Brian to do more research.

Two big bags of stuff. Anna gave them a good, hard look. Tabled.

AASFA Voting Party: Voting meeting set for the 18th after 6pm. Dave makes a motion to apportion $500 as a budget for the voting party. John seconds. 6-0 to approve.

Board Nominations for March Voting Meeting: Lithie moves Eric, Brian, and Anna to be safe for the voting minute. Dave seconds. 5 for, 1 abstaining. 

AASFA Picnic Planning: Set for July 15. $265 paid to Ann Arbor for it. Contract to be sent in tomorrow. Dave will create an ad for the Penguicon program with the new AASFA logo and get to Lithe by 11th (chair @ penguicon.org) 

Firefly Room Party Discussion: Tabled to invite them to next meeting.

New Business: 

Storage Cube: Lithie says the storage cube is Tetris-ed in FULL and we need to move to the next size of cube. Renewal on the current cube is due in June or July. Lithie & Dan will move the stuff once the change is made. Lithie will gather quotes on the various sizes and other sites. Voting to occur next meeting.

Discussion of ghosting and identity policies.

Next meeting: Possibly March 21 or 28, Dave will reach out to Bill P., and Allison. 

Motion to close the meeting at 10:15pm by Dave, seconded by Brian, 6-0 for.

AASFA Board Minutes, February 2017

February 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson
David Klecha
John Davis (tardy)

Also in Attendance: 

Dan E.

Meeting Called to order at 8:07pm by Brian

Cylithria moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Anna seconds, 6-0 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  We had a con and it went pretty well.

Treasurer’s Report:  Anna doesn’t know quite how the con went, waiting for Amy the Con Treasurer for final numbers. Ameriprise account is correct and in the right name. PO Box has been recovered properly (never really lost, check crossed close notice in the mail).

ConChair Report: Amy not present.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Discussion is tabled until the next regular meeting for Brian to do more research.

Two big bags of stuff. Tabled.

New Business: 

AASFA Voting Party: Con handoff meeting in February. Lithie volunteers to handle planning for the voting party. Typical budget of $500. Homes work better than parties at the hotel usually, but hotels have a little more flexibility sometimes.

Board Nominations for March Voting Meeting: Tabled until next meeting.

Dragon’s Den at Penguicon: Lithie, as ConChair of Penguicon, is asking for AASFA to Dragon’s Den at Penguicon again. Question is how much of the Board will be attending the convention. At least six of the current Board Members. Eric moves to set aside $500 for holding a Dragon’s Den at Penguicon. Allison seconds. 5 voting for, 2 abstaining (Lithie and Brian). Motion passes.

AASFA Picnic Planning: Dave volunteers to take on Picnic Planning in order to get a date for it so it can be printed in an ad in the Penguicon program book. Budget discussion for picnic at next meeting.

Firefly room party: Many complaints from the Firefly Party people. Most complaints, based on communications history compiled by Anna, appear to be groundless. “B” requests Amy be removed as ConChair for showing favoritism to Barfleet and that he be refunded. Brian invited B and his crew to attend a meeting and participate in a discussion of events, and asked for “B’s” feedback on future room party policies. Anna committed to compiling the file of communications history. Lithie moves to invite Firefly to attend or dial in to the next meeting. Eric seconds. Passes 7-0.

Next meeting: 

Motion to close the meeting at 9:58pm by Lithie, seconded by Eric, 6 for one against.

AASFA Board Minutes, January 2017

January 2017 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
David Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
John Davis
Allison Anderson

Brian Decker calls the meeting to order at 6:10

Brian moves to table all business. Cylithria seconds. Votes 7-0 in favor. 

Dave moves to close the meeting at 6:50. Anna seconds. Vote 7-0 in favor.

AASFA Board Minutes, December 2016

December 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy

Allison Anderson
David Klecha
John Davis

Also in Attendance: 

Dan E.

Meeting Called to order at 11:22am by Brian

Eric moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Brian seconds, 7 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  All will be covered in new & old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Somehow lost the PO Box. Discussion of reestablishing it again. John volunteers to go back to the Ann Arbor Post Office to get the box sorted back out. John and Anna will meet up to get John a blank check. Still need to meet up with Amy to get Anna on all the accounts.

ConChair Report:  A little bit of communication breakdown on what is done and what needs to be done yet. 207 Pre-registrations right now. 

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Brian met with his accountant and discussed the reincorporation. Gave Brian a number of avenues of investigation, and strengthened the case for incorporating as a new entity. Important distinction is that members of the con pay dues, which is distinct from revenue in a legal fashion. Board members charged with considering next steps for the next regular meeting in February.

Two big bags of stuff. Tabled.

New Business: 

Dragon’s Den at ConFusion. Pot of $500 to give out for things to benefit the convention.

Next meeting: 

Motion to close the meeting at 12:07pm by Lithie, seconded by Brian, 6 for one against.

AASFA Board Minutes, November 2016

November 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Cylithria Dubois
Eric Guy
Allison Anderson

Also in Attendance: 
Dan E.

Meeting Called to order at 11:42am by Brian

Lithie moves to approve last meeting’s minutes, Eric seconds, 5 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  All will be covered in new & old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Recap from last month- Brian and Anna tried to get Anna on the accounts, but they need all current account holders present to add or remove people from it, so they need to coordinate with Amy to make changes. Amy has provided online information to Anna so she can monitor accounts. Suggestion brought up to leave Amy on all accounts because otherwise it’s just Brian and Anna, and they travel frequently together for business. To be determined by the Board Treasurer. Anna is also working out issues with Ameriprise, who holds the Board’s snow fund.

ConChair Report:  Meetings last weekend, everything seems to be falling into place. Hotel is filling up. Lot of talk about accessibility, filled track head positions. Programming working to set schedule by Thanksgiving. Still working to set up something for KidFusion. We have an official charity.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Tabled.

ConChair 2018: In Oct Meeting: Eric nominates Amy to be ConChair for 2018. Lithie seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.

Discussion of GoH selection and the latitude the ConChair has in selecting GoHs beyond those voted on by the membership at the summer picnic.  -Anna to send. 

Two big bags of stuff. Tabled.

Vice President vacancy. Dave nominates Eric. Lithie seconds. No further discussion. 6 votes for, Eric abstains. 

Printer has been sitting at Eric’s house forever, needs to be moved to the storage cube. Anna will call over to the storage unit to add Eric and Allison to the access list. Also discussion of adding logistics person (Dan) to the access list.

Braille pricing for the convention, and may need to connect with whoever did Books for the Blind. May need to reach out to Angie Rush. Anna is looking for frugal options for doing Braille programs. Dave and Allison will take on looking into old records for this information.

New Business: 

New Board member. Josh Parker has been removed from the email list.  Allison is now on the list for the Board. 

Next meeting: 

Motion to close the meeting at 9:25PM by Lithie seconded by John, 6 voted for, 1 opposed.

AASFA Board Minutes, October 2016

October 2016 Minutes


Brian Decker
Anna Carey
Dave Klecha
Cylithria Dubois
John Davis
Eric Guy (tardy)

Also Present:
Amy Zrnich
Allison Anderson (remote)

Meeting Called to order at 7:50PM by Brian

Lithie moves to approve last meeting minutes, Anna seconds, 5 voting to approve.

President’s Report:  All will be covered in new & old business

Treasurer’s Report:  Brian and Anna tried to get Anna on the accounts, but they need all current account holders present to add or remove people from it, so they need to coordinate with Amy to make changes. Amy has provided online information to Anna so she can monitor accounts. Suggestion brought up to leave Amy on all accounts because otherwise it’s just Brian and Anna, and they travel frequently together for business. To be determined by the Board Treasurer. Anna is also working out issues with Ameriprise, who holds the Board’s snow fund.

ConChair Report:  Meetings last weekend, everything seems to be falling into place. Hotel is filling up. Lot of talk about accessibility, filled track head positions. Programming working to set schedule by Thanksgiving. Still working to set up something for KidFusion. We have an official charity.

Old Business:

Incorporation:  Tabled.

ConChair for 2018 discussion. Amy and Allison (remote) present to present their vision as ConChair. Allison indicates that she would be most interested in serving as an assistant ConChair for 2018, but not necessarily as ConChair. Amy is willing, but nervous about running the whole show. She would want to grow the charity angle and keep the con going in the direction it has been going. Concerned about not having enough personal connections to make stuff happen. Discussion of Amy’s suitability as ConChair and the old method of pushing an assistant on a ConChair to groom the assistant for ConChair the subsequent year. Eric nominates Amy to be ConChair for 2018. Lithie seconds. Vote to approve 6-0.

Discussion of GoH selection and the latitude the ConChair has in selecting GoHs beyond those voted on by the membership at the summer picnic.

Two big bags of stuff. Tabled.

New Business:

Josh Parker has resigned from his position on the Board and the stepped down from the Board in general. Need to fill both the vacant Board slot and the Vice President position. Do not need to be filled right now, but we need to do so soon to make sure we get quorum. Anna nominates Allison for the Board. Lithie seconds. Brian throws extra words in. 5 votes for, Brian abstains. 

Vice President vacancy. Dave nominates Eric. Lithie seconds. No further discussion. 6 votes for, Eric abstains. 

Next meeting scheduling. Potentially at the ConCom meeting. Brian needs to check on dates with the hotel.

Printer has been sitting at Eric’s house forever, needs to be moved to the storage cube. Anna will call over to the storage unit to add Eric and Allison to the access list. Also discussion of adding logistics person (Dan) to the access list.

Braille pricing for the convention, and may need to connect with whoever did Books for the Blind. May need to reach out to Angie Rush. Anna is looking for frugal options for doing Braille programs. Dave and Allison will take on looking into old records for this information.

Next meeting : Tentative on the 12/17. To confirm with board members not in attendance. 

Motion to close the meeting at 12:08pm  by Lithie seconded by Eric, 5 voted for, 0 opposed.